Monday, August 10, 2015


picture: courtesy of

Let’s just face it……. life can be painful! There are times when you get tossed to and fro by intense circumstances that are completely out of your control. A sudden trauma, loss of life, disease, rape, incest, a spouse leaves you. How do you stand under fervent waves of emotional pain striking you at a merciless pace? How do you breathe when a loved one is suddenly taken from you? How do you smile after being violated? How do you get out of bed when your husband of 30 years leaves you? Betrayal cuts to the deepest part of ones soul. How do you ever trust again? 

Recently some close friends have experienced great tragic events. As they walk through the dark hour of their soul, what do I say?  Hey, so sorry, I will pray for you. Don’t get me wrong; prayer is the most effective powerful response I have. But how do I touch them in this hour of need with something tangible that will soothe the wounds and bring comfort? Honestly, I don’t think there is a clear-cut answer. I have learned to be willing to step into their darkness with them is a good first step. Crying their tears but not having their answers, listening and allowing them to really speak is a good follow up. If they need to cry, let them cry, if they need to scream, let them scream.  If they need to eat chocolate, let them eat chocolate. Be a pillar of emotional support and let them lean on you in the darkness and eventually the light will break through. 

“In this world you shall have trial and tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world!”  John 16:33